Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Intro blog

 Hello I’m so excited to be back for a second year in this class! When I took this class last year I was amazed by how much I enjoyed it. So I’m very excited that there is another media class. So today in class we started talking about our short film and I can’t wait to start it! We talked about finding our groups for this project or that we can work by ourselves, but personally I already have my group. In class we talked about what the expectations are for this project. We also talked about how our short film could possibly go into a little film convention. I think that’s pretty cool making your own film and possibly putting into a fair or convention. some other things that we talked about was just the overview of what needs to go into the short film package. We also talked about branding and promoting our short film. We have to promote our short film as a part of the project which I think is really cool. We also talked about the website part to it, because some people were confused. So the teacher cleared thing up about the website part which was good. We also talked about how long our short film has to be. I’m so excited to start this and create an idea with my group. We wanted to make a part 2 for our movie we did last year but we aren’t doing that. I think we are going to make a new fresh idea. I’m so grateful to have this class and I’m so excited. We also talked about our CR and what to do for that. So yeah class was great and I can’t wait to start the project.  

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